Art-house films. Interesting – but mostly crap.

Art house films are like being kicked in the balls. Its not nice.

Here are a few films which are “art house”

  1. Donnie Darko – This film wanted to be avant garde but ended up being a hollywood thing. Its complete Kak.
  2. The badness of the Bourgeious – this film was directed by jean luc goddard. It tries to speak cinematically through veiled symbolism. But why couldn’t the director just say they he was a communist?! Then he wouldn’t have to make a film.

3. Earesorhead – I get that its all pseudo-edwardian Gotham-cak, but he really done it bad when he made this film. It is good to watch for the first 2 minutes, but then it drifts up its own art, like an ourobous of hate.


Gangs of new york – martin scorscese

This film is mostly shit, but has some good parts.

The beginning looks like a music video, which isn’t good. Its a fight between two rival gangs (of new york) during what seems like the victorian times. Sounds good, but there is awful drum and bass type music going over it, which took me out of the concept. I don’t understand why its there. it sounds like a U2 drum and bass song which they composed especially for the film. Maybe they thought it sounded hip enough to carry the story along on its own.

That was probably the worst bit of the film. The second worst is the ending. The fact that U2 plays over the ending of the credits. It leaves you with the notion that the whole film was just a vehicle for U2. And it probably was.

Bits of it are interesting. But those are sandwiched between scenes you wouldn’t expect from a good directer like MS.